Overview [Inforgraphic]

16:00 21/09/2021

DAV's Vision: Maintaining top 1 in training and research for foreign affairs and comprehensive international integration in Vietnam, striving to become the leading academy in the region by 2030.



1959: The College for Foreign Affairs

The Standing Committee of the Government Council issued a decision to establish the College for Foreign Affairs under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

1960: Faculty of International Relations

The College for Foreign Affairs was merged with the University of Economics and Finance to become the Faculty of International Relations (Diplomacy - Foreign Trade).

1963: School of Diplomatic - Foreign Trade Officers

The Faculty of International Relations was split to establish the School of Diplomatic - Foreign Trade Officers. 

1967: The University of Foreign Affairs

The School of Diplomatic - Foreign Trade Officers was separated into the University of Foreign Affairs and the Foreign Trade University

1977: Institute of International Relations

In 1977, the Government Council issued Decision No. 60/CP to establish the Institute of International Relations

In 1987, the Chairman of the Ministers Council issued Decree No.78-HDBT merging the University of Foreign Affairs into the Academy for International Relations.

1992: The Institute of International Relations

The Chairman of the Council of Ministers issued Decision No. 279-CT renaming the Academy for International Relations to the Institution of International Relations.

2008: Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam

The Institution of International Relations was upgraded and renamed the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam in accordance with Decision No. 82/2008/QD-TTg dated June 23, 2008 of the Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. 


Các đơn vị trực thuộc: Administrative units

  • Phòng quản lý Khoa học: Scientific Management Department
  • Khoa Lý luận chính trị:  Faculty of Political Theory
  • Khoa chính trị quốc tế và Ngoại giao: Faculty of International Politics and Diplomacy
  • Khoa Kinh tế quốc tế: Faculty of International Economics
  • Khoa Luật quốc tế:  Faculty of International Law
  • Khoa Truyền thông và Văn hóa đối ngoại: Faculty of Communication and External Foreign Affairs
  • Khoa Tiếng Anh: English Faculty
  • Khoa Tiếng Pháp: French Faculty
  • Khoa Tiếng Trung Quốc: Chinese Faculty
  •  Hội đồng Học viện: DAV Council
  • Ban Đào tạo: Department of Academic Affairs 
  • Phòng Đào tạo Đại học: Department of Undergraduate Academic Affairs  
  • Phòng Đào tạo Sau Đại học: Department of Post Graduate Academic Affairs 
  • Phòng Công tác Chính trị và quản lý sinh viên: Department of Political Affairs and Student Management
  • Phòng Khảo thí và Đảm bảo chất lượng: Department of Testing and Quality Assurance 
  • Ban Giám đốc (Giám đốc, các phó giám đốc): Board of Management (President, Vice President)
  • Viện Nghiên cứu Chiến lược và Ngoại giao: Institute for Foreign Policy and Strategic Studies
  • Trung tâm các nước lớn: Center for Major Powers Studies
  • Trung tâm khu vực và chính sách đối ngoại: Center for Regional and Foreign Policy Studies
  • Trung tâm an ninh và phát triển: Center on Security and Development.
  • Viện Biển Đông: East Sea Institute
  • Trung tâm nghiên cứu Luật Pháp:  Centre for Legal Studies,
  • Trung tâm nghiên cứu Chính sách: Centre for Policy Studies,
  • Trung tâm hợp tác quốc tế: Centre for International Cooperation,
  • Trung tâm thông tin dữ liệu: Centre for Information and Analysis.
  • Văn phòng 
  • Phòng hành chính Tổng hợp: Administration Office 
  • Phòng hợp tác quốc tế:  Department of  International Cooperation
  • Phòng tổ chức cán bộ: Department of Human Resources
  • Phòng quản trị tài vụ: Department of Facility Management and Accounting
  • Hội đồng Khoa học và đào tạo: Science and Training Council
  • Trung tâm bồi dưỡng cán bộ đối ngoại: Foreign Service Training Center
  • Phòng Bồi dưỡng nghiệp vụ và kỹ năng đối ngoại: Department of Foreign Affairs Training
  • Phòng Bồi dưỡng ngoại ngữ và kỹ năng biên, phiên dịch:  Department of Foreign Language Training
  • Phòng Tổng hợp: Administration Department
  • Trung tâm thông tin tư liệu: The Centre for Information and Documentation
  • Phòng Biên tập trị sự tạp chí Nghiên cứu Quốc tế Editorial Department of International Studies 
  • Phòng lưu trữ Thư viện: Library Storage Center
  • Phòng thông tin học: Informatics Center


1994: Huân chương Lao động Hạng nhất: First - Class Labor Order 

1999: Huân chương Độc lập Hạng ba: Third - Class Independence Order 

2004: Huân chương Độc lập Hạng Nhì: Second - Class Independence Order 

2009: Huân chương Hồ Chí Minh:  Ho Chi Minh Order 

2019: Huân chương Độc lập Hạng Nhất: First- Class Independence Order 


02 Research Institutes include The East Sea Institute and the Institute for Foreign Policy and Strategic Studies are ranked as the highest think tank in Vietnam, 42nd in the Asia-Pacific region and 37th in global government think tanks (2018).

06 Undergraduate Programs: International Relations, International Communication, International Economics, International Law, English Language, and International Business

3 professors, 14 Associate Professors, 20 Doctorates 

The largest number of Professors, Associate Professors and Doctorates in International Relations in Vietnam. 

26.6 points

The admission score for the International Relations major is among the highest in Vietnam so far (in 2020, International Relations majors: 26.6 points)

Vision: Maintaining top 1 in training and research for foreign affairs and comprehensive international integration in Vietnam, striving to become the leading academy in the region by 2030.

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