17:35 11/09/2021


     At the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (DAV), the training of foreign service officials is organized and managed by the Foreign Service Training Centre (FOSET).

    Training content includes:

  • Foreign affairs tradecraft
  • Foreign languages
  • Translation and interpretation skills

Trainees are:

  • Officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)
  • Foreign affairs officials of ministries, agencies and provinces
  • Individuals representing other organizations


Overall training program for diplomats

  • Pre-service training course for newly-recruited MOFA officials
  • Training course on foreign affairs tradecraft for prospective diplomats
  • Executive training course for MOFA Director Generals (DGs)
  • Pre-posting courses for MOFA officials
  • Specialized skills training courses
  • English courses for A, B, C levels
  • News update seminars

     Project on "Knowledge and skills training for officials engaged in international integration"

  • Executive training on international integration for DGs of other ministries and agencies
  • Executive training on international integration for DGs of municipal departments
  • Training courses on foreign affairs skills
  • Training courses on foreign affairs knowledge
  • Training courses on translation and interpretation skills,
  • Training courses on teaching methods for trainers

     Training project on "Foreign affairs tradecraft, foreign languages, translation and interpretation skills for provincial foreign service officials"

  • Courses on foreign affairs updates
  • Courses on foreign affairs skills in practice
  • Courses on English for Foreign Affairs/Diplomacy
  • Other training courses on demand


     Content: Feedback from trainees on our course content reports that their practical needs are met to a high degree. All our courses have a strong focus on practical skills.  

     Lecturers: Our lecturers are competent, dedicated, and experienced professionals. In addition to the prestigious retired ambassadors and leaders of MOFA’s departments, high-ranking and prestigious speakers are also invited as course lecturers, such as former Deputy Prime Minister Vu Khoan and leaders of various ministries and agencies. FOSET also works on strengthening cooperation with international training institutions such as the Centre for Political and Diplomatic Studies (CPDS) Australia, Diplomatic Institutes of ASEAN+3 countries, etc., to invite foreign experts to lecture on its courses.

     Training methodology: Through our learner-centred teaching methods, trainees can immediately apply the knowledge and skills acquired to their work as a foreign affairs officer. E-learning/online training has gradually been put into practice.