Call For Papers: The 10th Biennial Conference of the AsianSIL

17:19 21/01/2025


The 10th Biennial Conference of the AsianSIL

“Strengthening the Role of International Law in Asia”

Ha Noi, October 9-10, 2025





The 10th Biennial Conference of the Asian Society of International Law (AsianSIL) is scheduled to take place in Ha Noi, Viet Nam, in 9-10 October 2025. Hosted by the Diplomatic Academy of Viet Nam, this event aims to provide a platform for intellectual exchange among scholars, practitioners, students, and individuals interested in international law. While the conference has an Asian focus, it welcomes participants from around the world who are keen on exploring Asian legal issues. One of the key objectives is to contribute to the development of international law scholarship, with a particular emphasis on Asian perspectives. This will be achieved through the publication of papers presented at the conference. The working language of the Biennial Conference will be English.





The broad theme of the Biennial Conference is “Strengthening the Role of International Law in Asia”.

There will be two plenary sessions:

  • The Role of Asia in Development of International Law; and
  • Strengthening the Role of International Law in Asia.


The 10th Biennial Conference welcomes manuscripts on all topics of international law, including:


  1. International Law in Asian’ perspectives
  2. Progressive development and codification of international law: Asian contributions
  3. Eighty years of United Nations Charter
  4. The growing access to international law
  5. 2023 BBNJ Agreement
  6. The contribution of ITLOS to the development of international law
  7. Safety and freedom of navigation at sea: implications for Asia-Pacific region
  8. Artificial Intelligence Law and Artificial Intelligence Governance
  9. International Trade and Energy Transition
  10. International Trade and the Readiness for AI generated works
  11. New Technologies and Armed Conflicts
  12. International Law and Urban Warfares
  13. International Humanitarian Law
  14. Carbon Law and Asian countries
  15. Recent dispute settlement in international law and implications for Asian countries
  16. Navigating investor-state dispute settlement and Asian countries’ concerns
  17. International Environmental Law and cooperation between Asian countries
  18. International Judicial Institutions and Climate Change
  19. Digital Law and Digital Governance
  20. Cybersecurity Law
  21. International Investment Law
  22. Private International Law
  23. Intellectual Property Law
  24. International Human Rights Law
  25. International Organization Law
  26. Space Law

The topics listed above are not exhaustive.



The selection process for papers will be competitive, jointly conducted by the Diplomatic Academy of Viet Nam and AsianSIL. Criteria for selection include:

  1. Abstract quality
  2. Asian focus
  3. Relevance to the conference’s broad theme
  4. Geographical diversity of presenters
  5. Balance between experienced and early-career presenters
  6. Academic qualifications (Legal practitioners engaged in academic research are also encouraged to submit their work)



Abstract submission

March 15, 2025

Notification of abstract acceptance

March 31, 2025

Registration opening date

April 1, 2025

Full paper submission

July 31, 2025

Registration closing date

September 1, 2025


October 9-10, 2025



  1. Abstracts and papers should be submitted to email address: Late submissions may not be considered.
  2. In your abstract submission, please include following information:
    • Paper title;
    • Proposed panel;
    • Abstract: summarize your paper in no more than 300 words, including any footnotes;
    • Author’s biography: provide a concise overview of your professional status, educational background, and relevant experience in no more than 250 words.
  3. In your paper submission, please adhere to following guidelines:
    • Clearly state author’s title, name, university/organization, title of paper, and email address on the cover page of the paper;
    • The paper’s length is 5,000 to 10,000 words, inclusive of footnotes;
    • Paper should be formatted in Microsoft Document Format, Font – Size 12, Times New Roman, single space, 17th Chicago Manual of Style Citation;
    • Papers to be sent with the subject “Completed Paper’s title _ Author’s name”.
  4. The organizing committee reserves the right to adjust panel assignments as necessary.


To encourage broad participation in the Conference, the registration fee will be waived. Participants are encouraged to arrange their own accommodation and flights. Travel costs to and accommodation fee in Hanoi may be covered for speakers upon request and depending on the availability of funds. Please indicate if you need financial supports for participating the Conference when submitting your papers. 


Faculty of International Law

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