The NMF is India’s leading think-tank for the conduct of independent and policy-relevant research on all ‘matters maritime’. It provides maritime awareness amongst India’s policymakers, intellectual echelons, and civil society at large. NMF has 8 research programs, including (i) maritime geopolitics; (ii) comprehensive maritime security; (iii) naval technologies; (iv) maritime history and culture; (v) maritime connectivity; (vi) maritime safety; (vii) maritime resources; (viii) public maritime law. The NMF develops and manages a range of online publishing platforms and the Journal of Maritime Affairs (indexed in the Scopus list).
The signature of the MOU ushers in a new chapter of substantive and meaningful cooperation between two institutions on maritime security, contributing to enhancement of the awarness of important maritime security issues and to promoting innovative ideas and proposals for the sake of maintaining peace, stability, and maritime rules-based order in the region./.