Code of Conduct for DAV Students and Researchers 2024

16:10 17/04/2024

Chapter I


Article 1. Purposes

  1. The code of conduct for students and researchers of the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (DAV) includes the regulations of the Academy in maintaining and disseminating good ethical values, behavioral standards that need to be emphasized among the undergraduate and graduate students, and researchers when working, studying, and participating in activities at the Academy.
  2. This Code addresses the fundamental factors that create a  progressive learning environment, contributing to enhancing the quality of education and training at the DAV. Each individual student and researcher working or studying at the Academy has the obligation to comply with these requirements along with the Party’s orientations, policies, the Government’s laws, and regulations of the DAV. The contents outlined in this Code serve as the basis for considering rewards and dealing with violations of conduct by DAV students and researchers.

Article 2. Scope of application

  1. The Code of conduct applies to all undergraduate students of full-time and joint training programs, exchange students with Vietnamese and foreign nationalities at the DAV, graduate students, and researchers (hereinafter referred to collectively as Learners). 
  2. This Code must be adhered to within the premises of the DAV and at any agencies, organizations, or locations where Learners work or participate in activities under the auspices of the Academy.

Article 3. Core principles of conduct

The core principles of conduct listed below are fundamental factors that should be adhered to in various situations, even in the absence of specific regulations. Learners must:

  1. Uphold a spirit of being patriotic, loyal to the Communist Party, and always having a sense of protecting the national interests and people;
  2. Abide by the Communist Party’s orientations, policies, the Government’s laws, and regulations of the Academy;
  3. Ensure integrity and honesty in academic studies and scientific research;
  4. Promote the spirit of humanity, compassion, and mutual support;
  5. Treat and be treated fairly, while respecting difference;
  6. Maintain a positive attitude, be attentive in communication with lecturers and fellow learners;
  7. Use appropriate language (in Vietnamese and other languages) to the context and audience;
  8. Strive to contribute to the common progress of the community;
  9. Cultivate a sense of thriftiness and protect shared property.


Chapter II


Article 4. Compliance with the Communist Party’s orientations, policies, the Government’s laws, and regulations of the Academy

Learners are also citizens with full rights and obligations recognized in the Constitution and laws. Therefore, Learners must:

  1. Fully comply with the Party’s orientations, policies, the Government’s laws, and regulations of the Academy;
  2. Proactively seek to understand and update information on the Party’s orientations, policies, laws, and regulations related to the rights and obligations of Learners at the Academy
  3. Contribute to the anti-corruption and anti-wastefulness efforts.

Article 5. Standards of conduct regarding political, social, and religious issues

Having been thoroughly trained for political and social issues, DAV Learners need to become role models in handling political, social, and religious issues arising in life. Therefore, Learners must:

  1. Uphold a spirit of being patriotic, loyal to the Party, and using the principle of protecting the national interests and the nation as a compass for their actions; 
  2. Be vigilant and combat false arguments, fake news, and divisive or hostile actions;
  3. Conduct thorough research, use reliable sources, and employ scientific methods when approaching and analyzing an issue;
  4. Express opinions objectively, based on facts, and with constructive criticism;
  5. Contribute to improving the understanding of those around them by providing reliable information from authoritative sources.

Article 6. Standards of conduct regarding academic issues

Academic activities are the core focus of a higher education institution. The DAV always emphasizes and maintains the highest level of integrity in academic activities. Learners must:

  1. Respect intellectual property rights as stipulated by law and the DAV regulations;
  2. Maintain honesty in scientific research, assignments, exams, internships, and in sharing scientific information;
  3. Refrain from cheating, collusion, or any fraudulent behavior during examinations;
  4. Not reproduce or use, in any form, materials (hard copy or digital) that have been unlawfully copied;
  5. Directly speak up or report to the responsible units (Faculties, the Department of Education and Training) when detecting cheating or intellectual property infringement;
  6. Cultivate a passion for exploration and creativity in generating new knowledge.

Article 7. Standards of conduct regarding everyday communication

During work, study, and interaction with officials, lecturers, staff, partners, and other learners at the DAV, Learners must:

  1. Emphasize a humane and compassionate approach in communicating, dealing with common issues, and in personal relationships at the Academy;
  2. Respect differences in nationalities, cultures, religions, genders, physical characteristics, educational backgrounds, economic circumstances, habits, and individual perspectives of each Learner;
  3. Have a sense of sharing and supporting each other in progressing together;
  4. Avoid personal attacks during disagreements; Develop the habit of calmly listening, thoroughly understanding information from multiple perspectives during communication; Maintain a positive, constructive attitude when expressing opinions, viewpoints on an issue, or about other individuals;
  5. Use polite, standard language to uphold the integrity of the Vietnamese language when communicating; Refraining from using vulgar language during direct and online communication;
  6. Be ready to help others in difficulty, illness, or accidents;
  7. Share good values, exemplary stories, and kindness in life;
  8. Show respect and be courteous in communication with officials, lecturers, staff, and guests of the Academy.

Article 8. Standards of conduct on online platforms

Online environments provide opportunities for users to easily connect with others, and express their opinions, but also contain numerous risks if not used in proper manner. Learners must:

  1. Adhere to regulations on Cybersecurity, the Code of Conduct on social media issued by the Minister of Information and Communications, and other legal provisions;
  2. Adhere to regulations on the use of online platforms, electronic databases provided by the DAV;
  3. Protect personal online data of oneself, other learners, and the Academy;
  4. Not produce or share unverified information, fake news;
  5. Not disseminate information of unknown origin, anonymously, containing harmful or negative content, or information aimed at dividing, defaming, or attacking organizations, units, officials, lecturers, staff, or individuals within and outside the Academy;
  6. Permission from the Academy is required when creating pages, associations, or groups on online platforms under the name of the Academy or Learners of the Academy, using the logo, images of the Academy, or units within the Academy.

Article 9. Utilization of Facilities at the Academy

The facilities of the Academy are public assets provided by the Government or equipped by the Academy, or contributed by organizations, individuals to serve training, research, and development activities. Learners must:

  1. Pay attention to the maintenance of equipment, following the instructions for the use and preservation of assets provided by the Academy or by the responsible officials and staff for each specific type;
  2. Promptly inform the Office of Administration - Finance to take timely measures when noticing damaged or unsafe assets for users;
  3. Remind, prevent, or report to the security team or the Office of Administration and Finance Office, Training Board to prevent and handle the situation if noticing any individual intentionally damaging shared property;
  4. Use electricity and water efficiently. Recognizing that these are common resources of society, Learners should be conscious of environmental protection and sustainable development;
  5. Prioritizing the use of stairs. Elevators should only be used when moving between multiple floors.

Article 10. Other conduct

Learners must: 

  1. Wear Student cards throughout their time entering and studying at the Academy;
  2. Respect commitments regarding attendance, punctuality, attire, and other contributions when confirming participation in an event, activity, or shared task;
  3. Choose polite and appropriate clothing, dressing for the learning environment and when participating in events or activities;
  4. Refrain from smoking, the use of electronic cigarettes, alcohol, or other stimulants at the Academy;
  5. When wanting to provide feedback or encountering issues that need addressing during the learning process or activities at the Academy, Learners should communicate directly and candidly with the responsible departments to receive accurate and timely advice and resolution;
  6. Protect the image, reputation of the Academy, and the community of the DAV learners from misleading information which aims at serving personal interests and other organizations.


Chapter III


Article 11. Department of General Affairs, Department of Education and Training, Faculties, Youth Union, Student Association

  1. DAV Department of General Affairs, Department of Education and Training, Faculties, Youth Union, Student Association are responsible for disseminating the contents of this Code of Conduct to all officials, employees, workers, and Learners in the Academy for awareness and implementation.
  2. The Department of Education and Training, the Youth Union, and the Student Association have specific measures to promote and launch a campaign for implementation throughout the Academy, contributing to building a civilized and modern educational environment.

Article 12. Learners

  1. All Learners at the Academy must be responsible for adhering to and encouraging others to seriously implement the contents of the Code of Conduct.
  2. When in need of reporting relevant information during the implementation process, Learners can directly meet and report to the responsible individuals (Board of Management, Department of General Affairs, Department of Education and Training, Faculties, etc.).

The reported information will be reported to the Board of Management and forwarded to the relevant units for investigation and resolution according to their authority.

Article 13. Commendation and Discipline

  1. The DAV Emulation, Commendation, and Discipline Council; the Student Commendation and Discipline Council, in coordination with the Department of General Affairs, the Department of Education and Training, Faculties, the Youth Union, and the Student Association, promptly commend and reward units and individuals who perform well and strictly handle individuals and units violating regulations;
  2. The implementation results of the Code of Conduct are one of the criteria for evaluating the training scores of Learners.
  3. Learners who violate this Code at different levels will be considered and handled according to the laws, statutes of the Ministry of Education and Training, the DAV, and other regulations of the Academy.


Official Document in Vietnamese: LINK

Nhat Truong

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