ASEAN and Vietnam Remain Key Partners of the EU After the 2024 European Elections

17:32 22/11/2024

On the morning of November 22, 2024, the Faculty of International Politics and Diplomacy hosted a seminar themed "The European Union's (EU) Relations with ASEAN and Vietnam After the 2024 European Elections." The guest speaker was Mr. Antoine Ripoll, Minister Counsellor in charge of parliamentary affairs of the EU Delegation to ASEAN in Jakarta. The seminar was moderated by Associate Professor Dr. Ha Anh Tuan, Acting Dean of the Faculty of International Politics and Diplomacy, and was attended by young faculty members and 40 students across majors within the Academy.

The panorama of the event. (Image: FIPAD)

In his presentation, Mr. Antoine Ripoll reviewed key milestones in the European integration process, beginning with the European Coal and Steel Community. He highlighted not only the significant progress the EU has made over the decades but also analyzed how the EU has overcome challenges, particularly sovereignty barriers, to achieve its current level of integration. Within this process, the European Parliament, established in 1979, has played an increasingly crucial role in legislative development and policy oversight within the EU.

2024 is described as a mega-election year for the EU. However, following the results of the European Parliament elections in June 2024, questions have arisen about the future of the EU's integration process. Nonetheless, Mr. Antoine Ripoll revealed that post-election surveys show that 65% of respondents remain optimistic about the EU’s future and hold positive views about the EU and its Parliament.

The presentation by Mr. Antoine Ripoll, Minister Counsellor in charge of parliamentary affairs of the EU Delegation to ASEAN in Jakarta. (Image: FIPAD)

Amid these internal political dynamics and the intensifying power rivalry between China and the United States, Mr. Ripoll emphasized that the EU continues to prioritize fostering strategic partnerships with ASEAN in general and Vietnam in particular. Expressing satisfaction with the implementation and effectiveness of the EU-Singapore and EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), he also provided updates on the ongoing and upcoming negotiations for FTAs between the EU and some other ASEAN countries, expressing hope for the eventual signing of a FTA between the two blocs. He affirmed that European parliamentary diplomacy is a vital channel for deepening mutual understanding, sharing, and learning between the two sides.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ha Anh Tuan (right) and Mr. Antoine Ripoll co-chaired the Seminar. (Image: FIPAD)

On behalf of the Faculty of International Politics and Diplomacy, Associate Professor Dr. Ha Anh Tuan thanked Mr. Ripoll, acknowledging that the latter’s insights—as a diplomat, scholar, and witness to the European integration process—offered valuable knowledge, benefiting not only students but also Faculty members teaching the EU Studies course.

The seminar concluded with a lively Q&A session featuring questions from both students and faculty, promising further exchanges and cooperation between the two sides in the time to come./.

Delegates take photos after the end of the seminar. (Image: FIPAD)

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